Industrial Outpost - The Official News Source of PSC

Author - Kayleigh DeMace

What is MIL-H-5606?

What does it mean when an oil meets MIL-H-5606 specifications? There are different oils and lubricants for just about any application, and certain machines hold higher standards for lubricants than others. The US...

The Story Behind WD-40

WD-40 is a celebrity amongst fellow lubricants. It’s become a household name over the years, and rightfully so, but how familiar are you with it—its history, creation, creator? I’m not… well, I wasn’t, until now. Norman...

Yondr Phone Pouch Saves the Show

I’m a big live-in-the-moment kind of gal, and one of my biggest pet peeves is getting some assistance from a company named Yondr. I hate going to a concert and seeing people watch through the tiny screen of their phone...