Industrial Outpost - The Official News Source of PSC

Aloha Wanderwell, the World’s Most Widely-Traveled Woman

If Indiana Jones was real, he’d be a woman. More specifically, he’d be this woman: Aloha Wanderwell. Aloha was quite unlike anyone else of her time. An explorer, vaudevillian, filmmaker, wife, and mother, she...

What is horsepower?

Even if you’ve never so much as looked at a horse in your entire life, you’ve probably heard the term horsepower plenty of times. Whether it’s a car commercial or your friend talking about his fancy new...

Strike a Pose: Food Photography and Styling

In a world of social media and advertising, looks are everything—and I’m not just talking about people here. The way our food looks is super important. If it doesn’t appear fresh, we’re probably not...

Category - Culture

Looking for some fun facts, interesting histories, or incredible stories? Humans and human stories are fascinating. Join us as we explore mankind’s earliest relationships with petroleum, industry, technology, and everything in-between.

History of the Cable-Stayed Bridge

Cable-stayed bridges trace back to the 19th century in Europe where they were heavily utilized before appearing more frequently in the United States. The cable-stayed bridge gained popularity among engineering firms...

How do Matches Light?

With the arrival of winter, you may be happy to light your fireplace, candles, or even an outdoor firepit to sit around with friends and family. Finding ways to light these small, convenient, and controlled fires that...