Industrial Outpost - The Official News Source of PSC

What does AW Stand For?

When it comes to the different types of hydraulic oil, AW is one of the most commonly-used. But what, exactly, does the “AW” in AW hydraulic oil stand for? Defining AW Oil and its Components Quite...

What you need to know about man made diamonds

They’ve always said diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they never specified whether or not that included man-made diamonds. Recently, De Beers—the leading diamond miner in the world—announced that they...

Petroleum Product of the Week: Rubber Balloons

At parties, we sometimes see a mixture of structured foil balloons and softer rubber/latex balloons. The development of the balloon has greatly improved the life of the party. If you ask me, no party is...

Aloha Wanderwell, the World’s Most Widely-Traveled Woman

If Indiana Jones was real, he’d be a woman. More specifically, he’d be this woman: Aloha Wanderwell. Aloha was quite unlike anyone else of her time. An explorer, vaudevillian, filmmaker, wife, and mother, she...

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The Science Behind Tire Tread Patterns

You might have noticed that your tire’s tread might not look like those on your friend’s car or your dad’s car, and there are reasons for that. Different tire treading patterns are actually there for more than...

How Car Recycling Works

When it comes to reusing, most of us probably encounter recycling options for things like paper and plastic near daily. These are the obvious ones and are fairly easy to recycle. However, they’re not the only...